Subnautica game informer review
Subnautica game informer review

Each loadout can contain up to four characters from various Final Fantasy games. Both Field Music Stages and Battle Music Stages begin by selecting one of your five party loadouts. I would have liked more direction from Final Bar Line, especially in a genre where most games assign specific button presses to specific notes.Īfter discovering what worked for me, I fiendishly blazed through songs, and my old love of Theatrhythm reignited. After an hour or two, I settled into a scheme that worked for me, but I discovered that all on my own. Because you can hit most notes with almost any button on the controller, it’s initially hard to keep track of where your hands are and where they should be going when things get hectic. Now, you’ll need to hit a note as it scrolls across the screen by pressing a face button, shoulder button, or slashing directionally with an analog stick.Īdmittedly, it’s quite awkward at first and I wasn’t a fan of this necessary format change, in part because the game does little to help you determine a fitting control scheme. The 3DS games were more tactile because you’d use the touch screen stylus to tap the notes on screen. One big difference is that due to the hardware differences between the 3DS, where the last two games resided exclusively, and the PS4 and Switch, is how you hit notes.

subnautica game informer review

It’s a “don’t fix what isn’t broken” situation and one that works. This sequel retains the same chibi art style, the same types of stage formats, and many of the existing songs. There’s a lot that’s familiar this time around for returning players.

Subnautica game informer review